International Import Requirements
Before ordering any seeds - check whether your country has import requirements.
NB - If you choose to ignore import requirements for your country, we will not reimburse you for orders that are not delivered successfully - Jan 2021
- Leucadendron pubescens, Grey conebush, (Afrikaans: Syhaartolbos)$1,62
- Spinningtop Conebush, (Afrikaans: Tolletjiesbos)$1,62
- Common Stream Conebush$1,62
- Common Sunshine Conebush, (Afrikaans: Geelbos)Acid soil, Alkaline soil, Can be potted, Easy to grow, Good cut flower, Sow in autumn, Sow in spring, USDA Zone 8$1,62
- Peninsula Conebush, (Afrikaans: Rotstolbos)$1,62
- Needle-leaf conebush, Strawberry conebush$1,62
- Sickleleaf Conebush$1,62
- Catherine wheel pincushion$2,70
- Green tree pincushion, Hairless tree pincushion, Leucospermum conocarpum, (Afrikaans: Goudboomgroenkreupelhout, Kreupelboom)Acid soil, Attracts birds, Can be potted, Easy to grow, Good cut flower, Sow in autumn, Sow in spring, USDA Zone 9$2,70
- Pincushion, (Afrikaans: Speldekussing, Bobbejaanklou)$2,70
- Wart-stemmed pincushion, ( Afrikaans: Luisiesbos)$2,70
- Metalasia muricata, White bristle bush, (Afrikaans: Blombos)$1,08